
Showing posts from March, 2017

How to Stop Fearing and Start Doing?

It may sound a bit confusing but: ** Fear (read it resistance) is the driving force behind any action. ** Everything has a resistance and greater the resistance, greater the results . Imagine doing something which doesn’t require any effort. It won’t even buy your attention. * Conquering Mount Everest is  a huge target in itself. That’s what makes it courageous to achieve it. Had it been an easier task not many would have even tried it. * Working for a startup involves a lot lot of courage(and some foolishness too :P), that’s why it fascinates too many people to leave their day job and work for it. Even when the success rate is so low still people go for it as it takes some courage. * If I tell you my story, I always had a fascination for travelling . But also, it involves a lot of risk as you have to face unprecedented conditions. So finally one day I packed my backpack, put 3–4 items of usage, searched 3–4 places and just moved. Visit


  Congratulations! People fear from starting one and you’re done with many. ANALYSE YOUR FAILURE: As far as its about giving up, its your choice. Take a break, analyse what went wrong so that when you start again at least you don’t fail in a similar way. If you don’t learn from your failures, then all the effort goes waste. For example: If your expenses were much more than revenue than which particular thing cost this difference. Is it marketing, execution(logistics), poor clients. If your clients didn’t repeat orders from you then whom did they turned to and what deal he offered them. If your sales force didn’t work effectively then which kind of clients they were not able to convert into results. See if you’re financially able to take risk one more time or its time to settle down. Read book “ Rich Dad Poor Dad ” if you haven’ t read already. It’ll teach you a lot of basics about getting successful. About failing, I’m sure you’ve run those business for quite some tim