
How Can Business Consulting help Startups

How Can Business Consulting Help Struggling Companies? Business consulting has come a long way. From small companies to major ones, these firms are looking at ways on how they can prop up their business through outside help. The competition is tough and this is the reason these businesses are looking for ways to get ahead of the competition. With the wish to get ahead, consultant services are getting popular as they help offer insights to business owners and managers. So don't be surprised to find different sites and companies offering this kind of service. Right now, companies and organizations can turn to providers of business consulting for a number of reasons. For example, a business may need some boost in terms of advertisement and popularity. This is true for many fledging businesses where their business management practices are no longer in tune with the demands of the market. When the business is no longer considered as a serious contender on the industry, then

Instagram for Models

In one line, we wish to create an instagram like portal for fashion industry(Instagram for fashion) Today, we see hundreds of people hitting the roads of glamour city, Mumbai, unaware of the fact that success is just an illusion here. 1 in thousands is lucky enough to get a chance and that too is not sure about how far it will go. Why not create a platform where you can become a model overnight and that too without even spending a penny. Linkedin a platform for IT professionals where people connect with peers and spread their network and thus get to know the best of the opportunities available. Similarly, fashion industry is waiting to be disrupted. No need to walk around the film producers anymore to get launched. Let the producers get to know the best talents and reach you directly without any role of the middleman. ==============Problems that we're solving============= A portal specifically for fashion industry where we can see the wardrobe of our favourite act

Join My Startup

Image => Platform to find people to work for your startup idea. While everyone wants to start a startup. Most of the people can't do it because they can never find a great team to start. You can outsource the work, still that can't fill the space for an A team. The most common problems are that either people don't know the one who're interested in working for an startup or those whom they know doesn't have sufficient skills. Even if you find a co-founder the problem that remains there is finding your A team. We wish to provide you with a team that is willing to work with you for a stake in the company. We'll create a credit based system where anyone can work on other's ideas till they don't find a suitable team. Once they have found a suitable team they can mutually decide if they want to work together. This way you can  find people who're really interested in your idea also have sufficient skills to take it forward . Moreove

A Portal About Failed Startups

In this article I'm presenting you yet another business idea about "A portal on failed startups". Since always, I've been more interested in failure than success.As they say,  According to some great researchers on startups, the most important advice to the first time entrepreneurs is,  "Whatever you'll do, you'll fail for the first time." And, if you don't, either you're lucky or you've executed it really well(mind the word "executed" because ideation is nothing more than ideas on paper which literally worth nothing,). But, nothing of it stops you from trying. The key here is,  "Fail fast, fail better." Almost all the entrepreneurs failed for the first time. Even the biggies like Bill Gates and Steve Jobs failed miserably for the first time. Ref : The key to their success was: "They learnt from their mistakes."   Idea descrip

Roadscanner :A boon to travellers

A business idea for custom travel packages for travellers who don't have fixed plans or who wish to change their plans time-to-time. Problem: Very high ticket prices. Vacant seats in the bus's in the non-peak traffic duration No ticket availability in trains. Solution: Book bus tickets in advance. Example: like skyscanner for flights, roadscanner for the buses. Cost structure: Connecting the demand => database for travellers. Connecting the suppliers => getting the bus database Revenue Structure => website/database/ticket reselling. Competitor: Unique value proposition: advance booking, Unfair advantage: getting tickets in cheap prices and selling those at cheaper prices than market by clubbing several tickets. Customer segments: Travellers (who prefer to travel in non- peak timings) students(Who need to go home from time to time but can't get confirmed train tickets) business persons(who need to tra

7 Dollar Store

I love vintage shopping, I think it's really fun. And I love the feeling of finding the most amazing piece for less. Emma Roberts( #kEEPsHOPPING #sHOPaNDgETdISCOUNTS #7dOLLARfORfUN #wHATaREyOUsHOPPINGtODAY #ComingSoon #Jewelry #OnlineShopping #Shoes #Socks #GiftYourFavouriteItems #SummerCollection #Tshirt #7DollarStore #7DollarStoreUsa #TShirtUsa #NewYorkFashion #ModelsDresses

How To Market Your Product By Seth Godin

In this blog, I'm providing you 11 proven  marketing strategies described by Seth Godin in his book " Purple-Cow-Transform-Your-Business-by-Being-Remarkable ". Seth Godin is the author of four worldwide bestsellers including Permission Marketing, Unleashing the Ideavirus and Survival is Not Enough. He is a renowned public speaker and is contributing editor at Fast Company magazine. You can find him at 1. Create that extra effect: Your customers will probably buy your product for free delivery, return policy or if your website loads faster rather than normal product features. In a time when there're more than 100 websites for any particular item, you need to make sure your item is unique enough if at all you want to drive sales. In general, I prefer to buy from amazon as I can track when my product will arrive and I can also exchange or return the products if I don't like it. Probable I will never use these features but still it gi