11 Reasons Why We Should Blog

Ever wondered about writing a blog? If you're thinking whether you should write or not then the answer is definitely:"Yes".

How to start Blogging:

More precisely you're asking yourself when and how should you start. The problem is that you've a job and you don't often get time to speak your heart out with your writing. I know this as I myself have faced a time in my life when I feel stuck with my job and thought to start something on my own that could give me pleasure but never knew where to start. I've explained various ways in the content below.

Reasons Why You Should Blog

Keep yourself Alive:

Writing to a blogger is like painting to an artist, games to a player and running to an athlete. So if you want to be alive or keep your passion alive you must write at least once or twice a week.

Offload your thoughts:

All the great personalities used to maintain a diary in which they used to write their daily endeavours or experiences. It was a great way for them to offload their thoughts to a more physical resource which they can look upon when required. This also reflected their efficiency in the activities through out the day.

Give a shape to your ideas:

Writing gives you a time to assemble your thoughts and give it a more real shape to turn those into a vision and then follow your own vision.

Explore yourself:

It gives you a chance to get to know yourself better and a tool to dig into yourself, get the best version of yourself and present it to the world to inspire even more people.

Create your image on the web:

Your blog is a showcase of your knowledge and vision. It helps you in creating a unique image for yourself.

Create a project:

You can create an impact by starting to blog and connect with the society with a greater impact. You can choose a social issue and start writing on it and pass on your vision to other similar minded personalities. This way you can connect with people beyond times.

Turn into a full time blogger:

Once your blog starts reaching a definite crowd, you can leave your other regular professions and rather choose blogging as one. This gives you freedom to work on the topics you love, work from anywhere and choose your own timings.

Convert your blogs into a Book:

Blogging is an excellent way to get instant feedback on your work and you can analyse which topics to choose and later on you can write your own book by joining these blogs.

Connect with intellectuals:

What you write reflects what you think. Its a great way to connect with the great minds from different parts of the world. Internet knows no boundaries so you can reach literally anyone sitting anywhere in the world. You become the one you engage with. So its always better to know the thoughts of people in different parts of the world.

Follow your passion:

Blogging is the best way to choose what you follow. It gives you a way to cross your limits, get out of the ways and nurture your passion. You can create an audience for yourself that follows what you do, inspire you to do more of it and reach the heights you've never imagined.

Multiple careers originating from Blogging:

Almost all professions require a blogger in the current times when content writing/content marketing is the most effective way to get the word out. You can choose any of the fields or rather irrespective of your field of expertise you can start blogging.

Start writing on Portals:

Then I came across this beautiful website quora.com where people had written exquisite answers from topics related to mythology to topics related to ancient history to modern topics as cool as hacking and technology.

I was in love with this website and I thought if I could ever write like this. I tried to write some answers initially that put my heart out and got some likes and recommendations too but soon I started loosing interest as my answers were not getting a direction and people stopped liking my answers.

As I did some research over the answers people had written I got that there's a very interesting pattern in the most of the answers. I'm going to tell you the pattern that I noticed after lots of research. Also, I talked to the people whose answers got most of the likes in order to get a sense of what its like to write beautiful answers that people will like. If you'll follow these results obtained after doing the required research I'm sure you can also be a hotshot in writing answers on quora or any other platform.

How to write impressive Content:

  • Area of interest: People wrote the answers which they're really interested in. This way, they could write a lot of answers in a similar set of questions,
  • Real-life experiences: People read answers which show them some personal experience of the writer. This way the answers are a bit different from others, creative and original enough. No one likes to read copied content which includes guiding them rather people like answers which narrates them real life experiences that they can relate to.
  • Touch the emotions: Top writers write content which stir emotions. If some content stirs emotion, you're bound to read it to the end even if you don't want to.
  • Write controversies: Answers which involve controversial topics gathers a lot of attraction. Imagine yourself reading an answer about the latest controversy in your country. You'll definitely want to know it to the core so that you can discuss it later when you talk to someone.
  • Write long enough: No one likes to read an answer which will make them sleep. The answer must be long enough to gather the attention but also short enough to create the interest.
  • Create an impressive bio: Most of the popular writers have a peculiar story in their bio which attaches you to them. So, as soon as they write an answer you get curious to read it as its coming from someone you know.
  • Create your own style: Everyone has a style which is their unique trademark. For example: Some people write answers in a way that they convert day-to-day life incidents to an unforgettable story. Some people contradict your thoughts only to bring them at a judgement in the end. Some people have sarcasm in their writing which is their own style. So now I hope you're getting what I need to say. It should feel to a person that he's talking live to you while reading your answers it will make the answers memorable and trustworthy.

Common traits of a blogger:

These are some of the common traits that I got while following the writings of some of the famous persons. Other than these, writing online is an art so you need to be an artist in order to make people read your content. You need to get in the shoes of an artist to make people like your work. All I want to say is that content writing is a simple 2 steps process. 

Step 1: Like your work.
Step 2: Make people like what you do.

First you need to believe yourself that you're a good writer who has a specific worth. Then only you can create work which people may like.

Second you need to present your content in a way that people actually like your work. In clear words, you need to market your content effectively.

A Real Life Analogy for Understanding What the Reader Likes:

In order to make it more clear, I'll give you a very similar example. I expect you guys would have seen the person who sells flute on the roadside. He wears a very miserable dress but plays the flute very beautifully. All he aims is to sell some flutes by the end of the day to get his living. We seldom pay attention to him thinking what he could mean to us. On the other end, there're live performances in the city every fortnight where we pay quite handsome amount of money only to rush through the crowd and get uncomfortable for listening to a person we believe a great performer. We spent our precious weekend evening in a tiresome effort to get a glimpse of whom we believe a favourite singer or dancer.

My point is that both the artists are doing their worth but it depends only on how they showcase themselves in order to get what they aspire. Very similar is the case with writing,

About Creating the First Experience:

I would like to give some more examples here in order to make it even clear. Remember when you went to date a guy who was wearing a simple dress and smelling ordinary. That guy failed to make that first impression on you and you seldom gave enough importance to what he said or conversed. On the other end, the guy that reached on time, dressed sensibly and pulled the chair for you to sit drafted a lasting impression on you and all his conversations were quite important to you and you gradually developed an attraction towards him. Moral is you need to make someone like you first in order to like what you say or what you write.

A Writer must Leave an impact:

Consider yourself talking to a person or even better consider a speaker or a politician giving a speech. Now, whether you'll listen to him or not doesn't depend much on what he says rather it depends more on who that person is and if you really like his personality. Similarly, when someone reads your content that person creates an image of yours based on your writing. Mostly this image is created automatically and while that person remember your answer or not, he usually remembers the image that the content creates.

So, while writing the answer you pay a precise attention to what image you create on the mind of the reader.

Create a tone for your Writing:

While you may not know what kind of writing a particular person likes, its better to frame your answer in a particular tone. It may be aggressive, polite, romantic, decisive or anything but it has to be something at least. If your writing is dull and doesn't create an impact no one is going to refer your writing or even reading your answer again. 

Write at a particular Time:

Most writers write the answers at a particular time. They write at morning or evening as that's the time most people are reading answers thus those answers come at front while others are reading answers.


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